Spring Spruce-up: How to give your garden a curb appeal boost

It’s that time of year when the days are getting longer, birds are chirping a little louder, and there’s far more blossom on the trees. Yes, spring is here, which means it’s the perfect time to put on your wellies, brush off that rake, and tackle that garden that’s been neglected all winter. An attractive, well-tended garden adds a massive amount of curb appeal to your property and makes a fantastic first impression to any potential buyers at house viewings — and it might just add some value to your property as well!  So, check out these simple, effective tips and tricks to help spruce up your garden and give your home a curb appeal make over!

Clear away the winter debris

First thing to do is clear away the last of the winter debris and dead foliage. Rake up those dead leaves, but don’t just throw them away. Fallen leaves can be added to your compost or be made into mulch as they’re a great way to enrich soil.

Tackle the weeds

Over the winter the weed situation might have got a little out of hand and lack of weed maintenance can give the impression you don’t care for the rest of the property. Clearing away weeds in the spring is a good way of preventing them from growing out of control – or nipping it in the bud if you’ll excuse the pun. Pick a day after it’s rained when the soil will be soft and use a hand fork to dig up the weeks to ensure you don’t leave any of the root, which could lead to the regrowth.

Prune branches and plants

Spring is when everything starts growing but sometimes plants need a little encouragement. You can do this by pruning them, which will bring back your plants to full bloom. Ensure the temperature is above 10 degrees as insects like bees might still be hibernating in branches and stems.

Plant power

A pop of colour can make a vast difference to the appeal of the exterior of your house, so fill your garden with bright blooms and vibrant foliage. Evergreens like azaleas and ceanothus will make your garden fresh all year round.

Get Creative with Containers

Don’t have the space for flower beds? A variety of potted plants in colourful containers will make as much of an impact. Mix and match sizes and shapes to really show some personality and variety.

Light it up

Some atmospheric lights can make a huge difference to a garden space, especially if they’re solar power and come on automatically in the evening. String up some twinkling fairy lights around your seating area or place some lanterns along your pathway to help guide your way in the dark.

With a little creativity and enthusiasm, getting your garden ready for spring can be a rewarding and effective way of giving your home a big boost in curb appeal. So, unleash your green thumb and make your outdoor space the envy of the neighbourhood!

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