So, you’ve exchanged contracts and it’s just one week until the big moving day. Your new home is waiting for you, the bulk of the packing is done, and you think you’re all set. But there are aspects of moving that might not occur to you until it’s too late, which can make moving day and the days that follow all the more stressful. To avoid this, make sure you follow this checklist to ensure you’re on top of your move.

1. Schedule a deep clean of your new home
You want your new home to have as fresh of a new start as you. So, before anything arrives, ensure you’ve arranged for it to be deep cleaned, including carpeting. You want this to happen before any boxes or furniture arrive, to ensure every nook and cranny is sparkling and the cleaners don’t have to work around the clutter.
2. Redirect your post
You don’t want all your post to go to your old address while you’re still settling in, so ensure you’ve set up a redirect of your personal mail. You can do this on the Royal Mail website and choose what length you want to do this for; 3, 6 or 12 months.

3. Create ‘The Essentials’ box
It’ll probably take a while to get fully settled into your new home. There are so many boxes to unpack, you can’t even remember what’s in half of them (that hastily scribbled note of ‘kitchen’ on the box isn’t as useful as you thought it would be), and you’re just exhausted! Whatever the case, you’ll want to have to hand all the essentials you’ll need for the next few days so you’re not rooting around in boxes at midnight looking for a toothbrush. This includes things like cleaning supplies, bedding, kitchenware, bathroom supplies, toilet paper, clothes (including sleep wear) and of course food to keep you going!
4. Empty, clean and defrost your fridge
You don’t want to be left with a whole lot of perishable food come moving day, nor do you want a melting fridge to deal with, so ensure to have it cleaned out and defrosted in good time. There are many places that accept food donations if you have an excess left over or see if friends and family have use for it. You could even hold ‘A Clean Out the Fridge Party’!

5. Transfer your utilities
You don’t want to be in the situation where you’re paying the utilities for two properties if you can avoid it, so make sure you contact all your current utility companies to inform them of your move out date and new address in good time before your move. Make sure this includes gas, electric, water, and internet. If applicable, send them your final meter readings and they can send your final bill. If you’re moving to a local area, you can move with the companies or set up new accounts for your new property. Take the time to work out who has the best deals, it might be different for a new area.
If you’re looking to move and want help or guidance about your next step, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and one of out agents will get back to you with friendly advice.